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Re: Meitricks Android app (Beta) - Now in Google Play

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 6:44 pm
by hybrid
Did you put the username and password into the settings page in the app?
Your username is the email address.

I'm not sure what your password is, but if you haven't changed it, you might have an email or PM from me with the details in it.
Otherwise I can change the password for you.

Re: Meitricks Android app (Beta) - Now in Google Play

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 8:27 pm
by mikes68
Yep. There is the first page that presents when you open the app... Password is in there. And then the page that displays when you hit the Live Track and History tabs showing password and or email error. Resubmit generates same invalid error.

Just sent you an email - can you give me a password reset whenever you get a chance. No rush

Re: Meitricks Android app (Beta) - Now in Google Play

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:08 pm
by mikes68
Password reset worked thanks Jeff. The History tab shows an old track that I did initially when installed a few months back. All good. However the Live Track is showing a pin on a location I was definately at during that initial test but is not the most recent.

Would I be correct in assuming that as I have pulled the SIM out again that it has nothing to do live tracking against and as such is looking a the history? On the SMS Commands tab the Last Known Location looks correct for the test I did last night.

Would it be possible to display the date and time on that Last Known Location view? Might be useful...

Re: Meitricks Android app (Beta) - Now in Google Play

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:26 pm
by hybrid
mikes68 wrote:Password reset worked thanks Jeff. The History tab shows an old track that I did initially when installed a few months back. All good. However the Live Track is showing a pin on a location I was definately at during that initial test but is not the most recent.

Would I be correct in assuming that as I have pulled the SIM out again that it has nothing to do live tracking against and as such is looking a the history? On the SMS Commands tab the Last Known Location looks correct for the test I did last night.

Would it be possible to display the date and time on that Last Known Location view? Might be useful...
The Live and History tabs actually log in to a cut down version of the mustrack website, so it can only use GPRS data.
The history page will automatically open to the most recent day that the car successfully checked in, but you can use the menu button to go to different dates.
The live page will only show you the most recent successful check in.

So if your tracker has not checked in via GPRS recently then it will show an old location.
On the SMS tab, the "Last Known Location" option reads all SMS from the trackers number and finds the most recent one that contains location data.
It displays the pin on the map and if you press the pin, it will show a time and address.

You can also click on the car icon in the live map, or at any point on the history map for information.

Re: Meitricks Android app (Beta) - Now in Google Play

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 9:29 pm
by mikes68
Ahhh. Explains it all.


Re: Meitricks Android app (Beta) - Now in Google Play

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 5:29 am
by mikes68
Still having dramas with the connection of the tracker to my PC. I have made contact with Meitrack to see if they have any known issues with the MVT380 on Windows 10 as I have tried to uninstall / reinstall drivers and search for updates etc with no joy.

The basics are working so that's a good start...

Re: Meitricks Android app (Beta) - Now in Google Play

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 5:46 am
by gbx78
I was using windows 10 to connect my old unit 340? And was having troubles. I had troubles with windows 7 also. In my case I found out the harness plug was causing some issues and permanently simulating a button press causing all sorts of issues one being no sms . I realised this when I noticed the blue light (Gps) was solid instead of flashing. It meant a button was pressed. I jiggled the harness plug and it came good but was intermittent. This was causing issues with entering config mode (power button and sos button pressed simultaneously) and why I wouldn't connect.

I'm sure hybrid has already mentioned but have you entered config mode? And what are you gps and goes light status ?maybe unrelated but worth a check.

Hope that made sense. I'm half asleep.

Re: Meitricks Android app (Beta) - Now in Google Play

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 6:15 am
by hybrid
Mike's issue is drivers for the cable before the tracker is plugged in. It will be a laptop issue rather than meitrack issue.

"device not recognised "

Re: Meitricks Android app (Beta) - Now in Google Play

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 6:20 am
by mikes68
Thanks GBX78... yes, Jeff is right, it is a driver issue on my PC. Unfortunately I don't have any other PC to test on either. Seems that Meitrack support have gone quiet after my first response to their response. Probably knocked off for the day.

I need to edit the authorization phone number on the tracker and don't see anywhere in MeiTricks to do it nor via SMS.

GBX... you just mentioned entering Config Mode. I don't recall reading that anywhere. Is it done on the tracker or is it automatic once connected to a PC when you open the port in the Parameter Editor?

Re: Meitricks Android app (Beta) - Now in Google Play

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 6:22 am
by mikes68
... also, it is intermittent with its GSM signal although GPS signal seems reasonably reliable. It might be that I am in the garage but I would have though the garage would more likely shield the GPS before the GSM signal... not that either of these will be giving me problems with my PC connection of course!

Re: Meitricks Android app (Beta) - Now in Google Play

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 6:23 am
by hybrid
I think it's in the parameter editor instructions. Hold sos button while powering on the unit while it's connected to the serial cable

Re: Meitricks Android app (Beta) - Now in Google Play

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 6:26 am
by hybrid
Try sending this to change the authorised primary phone.

xxxx,B01,1,ph number

If that doesn't work, try adding a comma to the end.

xxxx,B01,1,ph number,

Re: Meitricks Android app (Beta) - Now in Google Play

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 6:28 am
by gbx78
What he said :D ^^^^^ ahh ok driver issue then.

When it enters config mode both Gps and gprs LEDs go solid

Re: Meitricks Android app (Beta) - Now in Google Play

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 6:34 am
by hybrid
You can try this KB for unknown device issues.

Who knows if it will fix it though...

Re: Meitricks Android app (Beta) - Now in Google Play

Posted: Wed May 11, 2016 6:36 am
by hybrid
Another option...